David O’Shaughnessy had all of Limerick’s first half scores with the Banner taking a slender 0-6 to 0-3 lead into the interval.
Limerick fell short in the O’Connor Cup Final on Saturday evening as Clare proved too good at the grade for the second time in a month.
The Banner earned a 0-12 to 1-4 victory on home soil to earn promotion ahead of the start of the Munster U20 Championship next month.

A strong third-quarter display from the hosts pulled them clear of a Limerick side who showed vast improvements from their performance in the round-robin stage.
Less than a month ago, Clare were 2-14 to 0-5 winners in Ennis but this time around, the Treaty were able to keep within striking distance of their opponents with just three between the sides at the half.
David O’Shaughnessy had all of Limerick’s first half scores with the Banner taking a slender 0-6 to 0-3 lead into the interval.
But they had four of the first five scores after the turn of ends to lead 0-10 to 0-4 with ten to play, O’Shaughnessy offering the brief response.
Mike Molloy did grab the games only goal to bring Limerick within four but they wouldn’t trouble the Clare goal again as they rounded out the scoring for the win.
Up next for Limerick is the Munster Championship quarter-final against Waterford on April 10 where they will have home advantage.
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